Property Opportunities

Property Opportunities and Deals

in the property market?
Then this may be for you...
Each opportunity is unique and has been put together from scratch to suit the lender and the borrower without the interaction of the financial institution or representative of one.

If you haven't looked at a peer to peer lending solution before, we suggest you get in touch for a chat to understand the differences to traditional lending methods.

How does It Work?

We Find The Deal
You Invest
Add Value For Profit
Refinance Or
Sell Development
You Get Paid

Do you want to save time and make money as a property investor?

We at Property Investory are here to help and offer the best investment opportunities that are aligned with your investing goals! See our current and past opportunities below:

Current And Past Opportunities


1 into 3 subdivision:

15% fixed for 6 months (Queensland)

1 into 10 subdivision:

15% fixed for 6 months (South Australia)

Refinance Expiring Loans:

15% fixed for 6 months (Victoria)

Interested to Invest?

Schedule a call with us to find out more.

Why Work
With Property Investory?

Better ROI

Compared to money sitting at the bank we provide returns ranging from 15–30% per annum
because we work directly with the developer.

Strong Due Diligence

We go above and beyond what is expected. And we don’t function on mediocrity—especially when
searching high and low for the best deals and profitable opportunities with the highest potential.
Quality is what you can expect from us.

Australian Properties

From east to west of Australia, we’ll pinpoint available quality locations for your investments
or developments that are aligned with your property goals.

Shorter Time Frames

We get straight to the point. As soon as we get the necessary data—we’ll let you know which
opportunities or deals will potentially be your best option according to your time frame.

Frequently Asked

Why these higher interest rates are possible? Isn’t a bank or financial institution offering a lower rate?
Because these businesses aren’t worried about making sure the next project is profitable or trying to get the cheapest finance deal, they’re creating a model internally to be independent of the finance sector.

How much info do you need to get together for a bank when you take out a loan? How about the documents you need to if you have a trust, with a corporate trustee!

The larger a company becomes, the more complex the structure, the more complex the structure, the more info you need to provide the bank for a loan. It would be impossible to have a consistent flow
of projects, with the levels of turnover these developers have, and trying to get all funded by “the cheaper option” without a
full-time department dedicated to finance applications.
Where do you find these investments from?
They have been referred from finance brokers, accountants, solicitors and agents we work with. On average we qualify between 8 - 15 developers per week.
What happens if there are delays?
The exit strategies we build into each opportunity are not affected by delays in the project. If delays have affected a refinance of your loan and the term has surpassed by two weeks, there is a “default” interest rate charged. This is written in the loan documents and it is executed immediately.
Contact us to learn about the property development opportunities we can connect you with and who will put you in the driver seat of your property journey.
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