UNO Loans Founder Disrupts Industry and Creates Australia’s First Active Home Loan Manager

Vincent Turner is a fintech entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience. His first company, Pisces, which he started at age 21 in 1999, built mortgage software used by over 90% of Australian banks, processing $50 billion a year in mortgages. In 2010 Turner moved to San Francisco and set up Planwise to build consumer financial software. He then founded SF Fintech, the 3rd largest fintech group globally. Turner is an active investor and adviser to early-stage companies across several verticals, including energy sustainability on fintech.

In this episode we explore Turner’s decision to leave university at the age of 21 to pursue a business idea of selling his messenger technology to investors and how 20 years later he has become an innovator in the finance and property industry with UNO Loans, which is Australia’s first Active Home Loan Manager, launched in mid 2016 and has secured over $50 million in funding from Westpac.

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