Jill McIntyre is a property and life coach that has years and years of experience behind her when it comes to getting out of her comfort zone. She gives us some of her expert advice on how we are able to grow as a person if we push ourselves outside of our normal limitations.
Join us as we delve into the topic of getting out of our comfort zone and how that will help us grow, how taking smaller steps in the early stages will eventually lead to us being able to take a larger leap, strategies that can help you build up your confidence to push the boundaries of what you thought was possible, and much much more!
McIntyre talks to us about an example in her life when she was pushed out of her comfort zone.
Getting out of that comfort zone, I think if I look back when I was struggling many, many years after my husband died and things seemed to be a mess around me for a long time, it was a bad, a different way of thinking that I had to incorporate how to move forward in life. And the big thing was I didn't have the tools back then or there wasn't the support system back then to do it. And so little by little, we take on little snippets like this mindset Monday jar of what can I take away from this mindset Monday that's going to help me win on challenge or I need to get out of my comfort zone and to move forward. And as time's gone on, it doesn't mean that I don't even at the level of where I am today.
And I'm sure you're the same. It doesn't mean to sigh with continued growth. We aren't continually having the bowel rise to rise above and move forward in what we do, what we're passionate about, which report is coaching for Navien property mindset and helping other people. But there was even at the moment I'm doing a childcare centre with a couple of good friends and we're, the three of us are in it. And it's interesting because all of the boxes are ticking or were ticked or attic for getting approval. And because we had an icing objectors along with the wide that came along. And now that I didn't want to charge a case into the, yeah, we went, ended up going to a full council healing and that became very political, very emotional and we were picked on the past. And so now we're heading to the cut in March.
But this comes back to the comfort zone. When the three of us all came out of that meeting, it was not what we expected because we ticked all the boxes. We took pants with boxers, we'd done all the things that we should have done according to cancel and getting out of that comfort zone very much that I work that I wasn't feeling comfortable with walking out of that place with the decision we are all was, but it was out of my hands. So I'll have to start to introduce what was I going to do to move forward because if I didn't get out of my comfort zone of while it was really uncomfortable zone. But this is where we stay when things aren't working for us. If I didn't bring in a different way of thinking [inaudible] I would have still been doing over that days and days later and all I can think of is I pay, we've got all of the facts lined up, what are we going to do now?
So they're actually, I do a shift when I'm challenged about knowing that I've got to move out of the comfort zone, but also there's a big part of me that doesn't want to move out of my comfort zone. I automatically put it in, okay, this is the problem, what's the solution? And then once my mind goes into a solution node, it is automatic. And that was a hard one to take on years ago when I was really struggling mentally, physically and emotionally after my husband died so many, many years and matured, didn't were having their own nightmares along with all of these sorts of things too. We've got to really keep on coming back to us being in control of their own mind that is going to flip a situation of growth or something that's not working. And usually, it's to get out of their comfort zone, which product? An either discomfort Zion, but we don't realize that at the time.
We find out about her situation with VCAT and some of the potential roadblocks she is facing with that.
Just for those that are listening in, they cat am in Melbourne and they cash is the Melbourne entity of the higher pass and cancel in niche whilst in Queensland. It's called the land environment court. And it's not a cheap exercise to go there. So just that's a little bit of background on the side time of what we need to do there. So coming back to what was your question about moving out of our conference zone and more what were the things that challenge me?
What were some of the things that were challenging?
At the time, yes. The young fan of solver too. We had all the boxes ticked and obviously there's been lots of things through life. Every one of us and for Mary with, with, you know, going through the last 20 odd years of the ups and downs of, of, of growth and things with my children and coming out the other end, there have been lots of things that I feel haven't been fair and the decision, the indecision wasn't fee. And I'm sure a lot of people listening in can relate to what I'm talking about, but there have been things happen in and around them or in the work environment or with properties or with things that people have seen that haven't been fair. The app com didn't go according to habit. It should have gone for my perception because we had all the boxes tick say with, with our, our decision here.
And so automatically the old experiences that I'd had that had created the unfairness automatically popped up again. It's like a pinprick of something that happens to us 20 years ago. You know, I, I don't know, some of you probably we had a franchise business and my many years ago when after my husband died because I needed to get out and make more money and property wasn't on the agenda at that age. I'm getting into the franchise business. It was just something else are passionate about. And I had, I taught Britt miking and DH or these product cooking situations with our very big retail shop. And from day one we were taken to the cleaners by a franchisor, and within about three years, I was between a rock and a hard place. I couldn't move forward and sell a business because there's no money, never taken any money out of it, of any grudge shakes.
I couldn't pull out and just say that tape because I had a method, I have a draft, I was up to the naked did. And so father this banded together and approached the ACCC to come on and work with us on unconscionable behaviour against the frame shots or, and this really rattled not cage Todd and big-time because it was, went for 12 months or so as they put any litigation. And the bottom line with all of this was I had to get out of my comfort zone. Well, I wasn't getting up to, I was out of my comfort zone. I was feeling distressed and I was broken into twice by the franchise owners and lots of things that I felt were so unfair because we were doing all the right things. The bottom line was that it took so long to take us on because I've never ever contested a franchise before, but we won that case for unconscionable behaviour.
And that law is now in place against other franchises that can go and support them against their franchise ores, which is a plus that's come out of it. But what was left with all of that was a shattered deal. Absolutely shattered. I had a filter and saw the plug had been pulled out from me. I felt how unfair all of this was, and I think it's unfair, even with what we were doing at childcare and going to console it, just pushed that sign button. And that franchise was 25 years ago, shot something 20 years ago or something like that a long time ago. So we don't ever forget the pine. It keeps on coming up in other things that are similar, but we do learn to manage them differently. We learn to cope with them differently. And as soon as that decision came up with the council hearing, that same button was pressed at the young fairness.
Those were some amazing stories that McIntyre shared with us. She shares with us why it is important to actually get outside of your comfort zone.
Everyone that's listening to this podcast I'm sure will be thinking about, this isn't right. I need to earn more money. I need to really step up in property or I need to go and work on a different approach work. We are continually challenged with things that are happening and what we do is stay in the same position with everything around us putting up with us because we don't know how to get out unless we fall in AYP or do us, you know, pump and get in good. And if we could think of things logically and work through, okay, this is where I am at the moment. Use our need to earn some more money. And that's what challenged me all those years ago. It was the surge that I needed to bring more money in as a single parent back then to help and support my very young children.
And so when we're challenged, you might be happy with an outcome that you've got at the moment if you're listening in to this and they might be, yes, I want to get into property more. It's certainly the vehicle that I can relate to. What are you going to do about it? And it's all right to think, yes, I'm in. You use it. Resolutions, whenever they come around, I'm going to make more money. She and I are going to do something. But what physical strategies have you put into place? What action plan has taken? And to do this, we've got to change our habits. There's no doubt about that. To put it into our dye. And you and I have both been talking about this earlier before we started, how you start your day off and having time an hour or so in the morning jobs for you to work on your mindset and to your head and the [inaudible]. Yes, I do it every morning as well. And if we don't have a plan to work with, nothing's got to change. But we can have that plan button, this takes action with that time a punch. Useless.
Having a planning place is really, really powerful and important. But as you said, without the action, and I think the biggest issue is that a lot of people have roadblocks just like myself. And I asked myself what or who could be holding us up, holding us back from taking that action and it'd be actually good to talk about that because maybe understanding that subconsciously or understanding it consciously would help us breakthrough that and get out of our comfort zone.
It's interesting because I had a coffee with a person who got in touch with me on a couple of days ago. We went out and had a coffee. He was interested in coming on board and, and, and being coached by me. And when he went through the number of ancient Asian people that he had bought their product with property, at the end of the time when we're having the coffee and we were talking further, would I be correct? He has done a lot of property workshops. You have bought a lot of packages. He said, yes. I say, well, what, why haven't they been successful? Or why haven't you been successful in property? And he shook at me. And the big thing is we get the adrenaline going when the person who is selling a product, they tell us all the benefits, benefits, benefits to us, the adrenaline chai, we get excited. Wow, this will be good. When I can do this by buying the product, the product probably doesn't even get open for about 80% of people. We then go ahead and yes, the next 10% we'll do something while I'm truly, but it's only about 1% that will be really successful. So what do you see in gradient? She that we need time with what we're doing in moving forward. Don't spend money because something sounds exciting if you're not going to follow through with it.
Is that a good way to think about angel money? Did it in your pocket or someone else's if you're not going to take action. And action means getting out of your comfort zone, starting Shea to ring IgE and some Nick and quarries. Then follow up calls with them, awake light and then awake. Lija hi, my name's Jill McIntyre. I rang you awake. It does. This is my strategy. Have you got anything in the area? It's about you having a plan, not just doing it once and then expect to get a real estate agent to ring you back. That doesn't happen unless they are really, really proactive and a hungry.
That doesn't usually happen, most of the time we have to follow up ourselves.
If I ring them up and I also follow it, if I went round and met someone and yes, I wanted to work with them, I would certainly send it with a follow up with an email. My strategy is buy/reno/subdivide/sell for example. I'm cashed up, I'm looking for a quick fix deal in the area. I'm looking to do a number of them. I'm looking for a motivated divergent to work with. End of story. Can I keep in touch with you? And then a week later I would ring him again.
It’s so important to be consistent and create that habit within your life and once you do that it becomes a normal action.
It's creating a habit and it takes 66 days to create a new habit. First of all, we've got a plan on what we need, which is the habit to change that. The first 21 dies of that hybrid of the hardest because our ego was fighting against it at time. Restraints in, in our old life, are fighting against us. We haven't got the motivation. We haven't got the fire in our belly to get out of our comfort zone. They have to be a foreign belly or there has to be reasoning why you are going to push through your pain barrier, comfort zone, and there has to be a consistency that goes with it.
A lot of people often think about diving into property investing but never actually take that leap of faith, we delve into some of the steps you can take to finally break out and dive right in.
What we've tried to, you know, it's funny when I faced start with a con also I'll work on, I want to know the overall of where they are in a preliminary assessment and I'll look at their goals and they wrote, my goal is to make $5 million by the time I'm whatever age, which is, you know, two years ago to use a buys type stuff. And if we, yes, it's good to have a big goal or something to work towards, but I very much believe in the drip system. If we can start small and build a firm foundation that then takes us all the way forward for what we want to do. If we don't have that firm foundation, we lack confidence because little by little, a lot of you listening in or B sign years, but I don't know how to move, meet other people.
I haven't gotten any money. How can I find money partners? And I don't know the first thing about property other than I live in one. I'm taught stuff and we are going to start a, what are you going to do? And all of your podcasts are a fabulous energy time for people to come back and learn from you. Also exposed people to a network of people, if that makes sense. You interview people, you talk to people, even you and I talking and I'm open. If people want to bring me up at times or email me would be the best way to follow through and hi, I've got a problem and we do. I go from here and coaching Martin Bay, what you want right now, but it is about even getting out of your comfort zone to sending that email. It's doing something different that is going to give you a different result to the one that you've got at the moment.
You don’t always have to jump straight into the deep end, McIntyre encourages us to take small steps and ease into the process.
Little steps to make big steps. And it's interesting. I've got a journal. I love my journal. I read it yesterday. I don't do it. Every guy that made two and it's there for my goals, for my intentions that are due on a regular basis. But tensions, it's there for me, has it on the challenge for the exciting. It's fear. If I listened to a podcast customer, it's got you know, some gold information for me, but it's also very, very good. I used to be moved forward and we grow, we can forget where we were six months ago and that might sound strange, but we get caught up with the growth moving forward and the new area that comes into our life. It is so good to document where we outta die. Where am I going to be next week? What am I going to be the week later?
And then to look back at any point in time and think that's where I was six months ago. And I do this a lot with clients every now and again when they feel ology, they haven't been making massive moves and, and he is, I haven't got to this, well I don't talk to me about 5 million initially after the first session, but they haven't made the money that they originally thought that they would. But what they're doing is we're working on multiple streams of income. We're working on the foundation, we're working on them feeling very differently about how they approach things, the confidence level that they go in that they can magnetize people into them because they stand up with confidence to be able to move forward. And this all starts from the pinprick believing that you can do it because that your first steps in change are your most difficult. And at the end of the day, congratulate yourself. Even if you took a couple of steps forward with growth because they are the hardest. Would you agree with me there was, is it easier for you now plan in moving forward. And even your streams of income and getting into properties, is it easier for you now than what it was five years ago?
It's a level of action and also a level of change in the mind as well too. Because to actually jump into any deals that are like over say 300,00-$ 400,000 was a fear for me because I'm thinking, what would happen if I lost that money? And then jumping into deals that are 600,000 to $1 million dollars and so forth. It's getting used to that fact. And for me, it was those kinds of fears and those barriers. But I think just taking small little steps to make the course, to actually speak to people, to learn from each other. and then just to build that confidence that you've got a lot of knowledge, a little experience to actually jump into it now. It has given me that confidence to do it. And that's the thing I was really, really scared and afraid because I started off with very little money and said to myself, look, you know, I'm going to try and build this up, but I don't know where to start. And it's filling that gap, that void that we've just been talking about, and stretching yourself to that comfort zone and every day just by doing little by little, you build that confidence and that's what I feel like I've done.
Anyone listening to this podcast, what are you going to take from this podcast? What are you going to do about it? Don't just keep on thinking about it and have an affirmation. I'm going to really get into property more. I'm going to get into the property. That's useless if you don't believe it in your heart and soul and take action. You haven't taken over ownership of that affirmation. So it is about setting a plan out and the hardest one is believing in yourself that you can do it. That's a hard one. And once we start to, it's all right to think, yes, I could do it. They've got that skill set or they're good at communication or they're good at something else, bring it all back to you. If every one of us has got specialties in certain areas and skillsets and strengths, identify them and use them.
And I used to hate public speaking. I used to be petrified. Now model happiest price would be up on stage presenting and so things can change, but you've got to get all that. I'm a comfort zone. When I was initially asked to come and present on a regular basis with my early mentor on property, ask a couple of years that I've been with him, absolutely petrified. And for days before my stomach could be and target. And it would be, Oh, do I have to go, I have to go. And the stronger part of me was saying, of course, you're going to be there. Of course, you're going to be there. But the pine in the bicep, my stomach was dying. Now you don't need to go the, and it was a continual challenge and that took me a long time to get up and be viewed by bad ID people every six weeks at a property.
Five-day property workshop was pretty fearsome. And I saw it in the deep end, but did I allow myself to give up? And that's a big question you've got to ask yourself. If it gets too hard or you feel that you're going to be moved out of your space that you don't feel comfortable with, what are you going to do econ to stop? Or you are going to look at property and say for example, yes, my first deal was going to be a small deal and unfitting myself. The challenge that within 12 months of made another, or I've made 70,000 out of a property deal or 50,000 start small. It might be that you are getting into a deal with sweat equity, which is no money but your skillset, you're going to get into that deal with sweat equity and that be your contribution and you got to roll your sleeves up and you got to do it out of the arena.
Or you're going to be doing research on where to look and compare, whatever your strength is. If you are very good at figures or negotiating, find out what it is and identify it and then go and sell that point to someone else. And if you haven't got money, use it as sweat equity. I'd like to walk beside you and it might be for the first deal that you purely walk beside someone else while they're doing a deal. Just learn the ropes because the practical experiences of absolutely gold to us and that's where we learn our ups and downs of what I'm doing, what we do.
It's really interesting that you say that because it's just basically taking action. You know, as you said, start with that small deal. But if you're like, you know, taking action on doing something to present to other people, meeting other people, and also saying that you could potentially be in the sweat equity in that deal, then at least you're getting out of your comfort zone to take action. Because it's worse to not do anything and just say, it's not for me.
It's all about the more that you can do it, you've got to work out why you're doing this too. Your why factor is very important. Why do you want to earn more money or why do you want to get into property? Money isn't the be-all and end-all. Yes, it makes life easy for us to have money. It's hard when we haven't, money got money and I've been there too. So I know both sides of the spectrum. But the thing is that money is purely a tool. It's what we've got to do. You have a look at all of these people. Do you think Richard Branson or any people at his level, do you think they're driven by money or do you think they're driven by motivation and the excitement of what they do?
I think it's more about the motivation and excitement because the money is a product or the end result of what they've achieved. So if you're passionate as maybe a violinist or a musician or whatever hobby that you're interested in, whether it be skiing or whatever it is, that will show through and eventually, that will actually come back as a reward. Whether it be monetary, whether it is based on emotion, whether it be, fame, whatever it is. It will eventually come back to whatever you want to receive. And it sounds pretty much like what we were talking about with Richard Branson.
I've got a beautiful client who does heartfulness meditation and I just love our sessions. And at the end of it, he's doing a rooming-in Brisbane and also in Shellharbour in New South Wales. And he's got businesses and things like that, but he's also a very spiritual guy that I just love his space. And it was interesting a couple of sessions ago, he said to me, money has never been my main driver. And I felt what an interesting thought that he had. He said, it's been the passion in me that has allowed me to grow in and Archie, that he's gotten interested from major interested in property in all that he attaches. Yeah. But he said, funnily enough, the money turned up. And I'm not saying we can't live without money because we do need money, but how much or how, how do we overthink about, I've got to make more money, I've got to make more money, I've got to make more money and we get caught up in the money beat. Instead of taking out, I pay, I'm going to go and do dog walking. And with dog walking, I can get $25 a dog every day and I'm going to build up a little dog walking business and around what I'm doing. I could walk at six o'clock in the morning and make an extra couple hundred bucks a week or something. And I've got a client that's done just that with his 11-year-old son. In the first month I started this little dog business, they might have a thousand dollars
And I have two animals. They do, they have a dog come in or animals come in and they mind animals in their dementia care and they have two at a time. They are booked up now for months. I hate and Raleigh is only 11 years of age and to have a Guinea pig, it's I think six $9 a month for Guinea pig. And it just at that being creative. And this all started because he had to have talked about a dog at school and he didn't have a dog. So my car dad said, what about we go and do some dog walking and then you can model them dog walking. And so all the way along, I'm working with this prod on what he's going to do with a product to help move forward. And he's got a business, I'm bringing $1,000 a month on walking dogs and looking after, you know, Guinea pigs and things like that in a domestic cats.
Stop not being creative. Don't give yourself permission to be creative. And a lot of people aren't creative, but that's right. And, and brainstorm and if you put it down, what's going to evolve format and stop to think and aim increase. Your circle is going as you're going around as to how it can happen. So, you know, it's exciting and once she gets a bug of the drip-feeding it just becomes a way of loss. But you wouldn't go back to the old off.
This episode was produced by Andrew Faleafaga with narrations and interviews conducted by Tyrone Shum.